We are in business to keep you healthy!

This is the team committed to your health!

Michael Lane Traditional ND and Board Certified Master Herbalist

Michael Lane: Traditional ND and Board Certified Master Herbalist

Meet Michael Lane, a Traditional ND and Board Certified Master Herbalist dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health. Born in Portland, OR, and a proud Desert Storm Veteran who served in the Army, Michael brings a wealth of experience and dedication to his practice.

Credentials and Experience

  • Master Herbalist (2020)
  • Traditional ND (2024)
  • Certificate in Integrative & Functional Medicine (2024)

Michael’s expertise and passion for natural health have led him to be a keynote speaker at the 11th Annual Global Webinar for Traditional, Integrative, and Functional Medicine. He is honored to be scheduled as the keynote speaker again in November 2024.

Upcoming Achievements

Michael is also preparing to take his ACNMB Boards in August of this year, further solidifying his commitment to providing the highest level of naturopathic care. Michael is a Ph.D. candidate with a specialty in Natural Health. Michael is also scheduled as a plenary speaker for the 13th Global Webinar for Traditional, Integrative, and Functional Medicine

Discover how Michael Lane can guide you on your journey to better health with his comprehensive knowledge and compassionate care. Contact us today to learn more or schedule a consultation.

Pamela Lane Co-owner

We are in business to keep you healthy!